cares act

Nelnet Campus Commerce

Navigating COVID-19 and CARES Act

We scoured the internet to find the top 10 websites or articles for your institution to get financial information quickly through COVID-19. NACUBO drafted a great summary article on accommodating students, distance education, and general provisions as it relates to course audits, cash management, academic terms, and Clery Act and emergency notifications.

Read More about Navigating COVID-19 and CARES Act
Nelnet Campus Commerce

CARES Act and What to Know

Nelnet Campus Commerce partnered with the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) to share important insights on the Coronavirus Aid and Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Megan Schneider, senior director of government affairs at NACBUO, highlights how CARES Act funds are appropriated to colleges and universities.

Read More about CARES Act and What to Know