Past Due Payment Plans
A payment solution for students with past due balances.
Get Students Back on Track
Past Due Payment Plans provide students with options to pay down past due balances, helping them stay enrolled, avoid collections, and eliminate the need for your business office to get involved.
See Success with Past Due Payment Plans about Get Students Back on TrackRetain Students
When past due balances go unpaid, students can no longer enroll in classes, causing them to fall behind in their education and causing your enrollment numbers to drop. By offering students a way to pay off past due balances, they can stay enrolled, keeping your enrollment numbers up and saving your business office time by not having to contact students over delinquent payments.
Retain Options
Nelnet works with your institution to offer options for your students to select from to repay balances over a term or multiple terms. This allows students the ability to pay off what they owe without being sent to a collection agency.
Unlimited Options for Students

Sometimes, students can fall behind on payments. When this happens, they shouldn’t be punished by immediately being passed onto a collections agency. Nelnet helps your institution by streamlining the resolution of unpaid accounts. We communicate with students and provide them with options to make payment on unpaid balances.
Unlimited Options for Your Business Office
To bring efficiency to the process and keep your business office on track:
- Reports show which students are behind and determine who is eligible for a past due payment plan.
- Nelnet works with students on plan enrollment, with no phone calls needed from your office, allowing them to focus on incoming payments.