Don't Be Afraid of Implementation

In Brief:

  • Our mission is to streamline the implementation process for your institution.

  • High rate of satisfaction when implementing new products.

Blog Post

Introducing a new product to a campus is a big decision. Regardless of the quality of the software, many bursars and IT directors will have one question for those introducing it: how difficult is it going to be to implement? Will it integrate into the ERP? Will it disrupt work flow? Even worse, will it negatively impact serving students?

These feelings are completely understood. When a decision affects thousands of students and faculty members, there are plenty of factors to consider. That’s why we make it our mission to streamline the implementation process and put the focus where it should be: on your university.

A solution for your campus

Each institution we collaborate with has a unique set of needs specific to its campus culture. Our job is to listen, understand, and translate what we do into an implementation process that is configurable to the college or university’s needs.

With 13 years of managing complex projects under our belt, Nelnet Campus Commerce’s implementation team knows how to introduce products to campuses the right way. They understand the hesitations you have, and will work to earn your trust and make the process as painless as possible. You can rest easy with the knowledge that our team has the expertise needed to guide you every step of the way.

Implement smarter

We view ourselves as a partner to our client. This is something that we’ve made a priority since day one, and we’re proud to say that it shows in our implementation success rate and customer satisfaction surveys.

  • 94 percent satisfaction rate when implementing new products
  • Detailed six-step implementation process
  • We are a true partner and collaborate weekly with update calls

Want to learn more about our implementation process? Click here.

Nelnet Campus Commerce
Author: Nelnet Campus Commerce

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