A Full Year of Flavor: 2023 Cookbook

Author: Nelnet Campus Commerce

In Brief:

  • Our team created the free 2023 Annual Cookbook in appreciation for your partnership.

  • Matt Spethman, Director of Client Experience, previews the cookbook in a special video message.

Blog Post

Happy holidays from Nelnet Campus Commerce!

In 2023, we hope you had many happy moments, fun experiences, and, most importantly, lots of good food.

Now’s the time for celebrating all the successes of the last year and new opportunities in the year to come. As a special thank you for your continued partnership, our Client Experience team created the 2023 Annual Cookbook.

The cookbook is packed with delicious recipes for all four seasons. Each dish is hand-picked to bring you joy and enhance every celebration throughout the coming year. Here’s a peek at what to expect:

  • Winter: Warm up on chilly nights with Gumbo-laya Stew and Abuelita Hot Chocolate.
  • Spring: Enjoy a side of sweetness while flowers are in bloom with Strawberry Cookies and Lemon Bars.
  • Summer: Cool off on hot days with Key Lime Pie and BLT Macaroni Salad.
  • Fall: Find the perfect pair for your pumpkin spice latte with Oatmeal Caramel Bars and Slow Cooker Beef Stew.

Nelnet Campus Commerce Annual Holiday Cookbook with spoonfuls of various spices on the cover

Get Your Cookbook
(10 MB Download)

If you want more recipes from our amazing cooks on the Client Experience Team, check out some of our cookbooks from previous years:

Nelnet Campus Commerce
Author: Nelnet Campus Commerce

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