Nelnet Taking Proactive Precautions in Response to COVID-19

In Brief:

  • As the COVID-19 landscape continues to change, Nelnet is changing with it.

  • If your campus is interested in adjusting payment dates for any future-scheduled payments in light of present or anticipated circumstances, please contact your Account Manager.

Blog Post

March 24, 2020

As your partner, we want to make you aware that our Nelnet call center is experiencing an increase in the number of inquiries from students regarding the status of their current balances and scheduled payments, due to the current situation with COVID-19 (coronavirus) and its impact on the economy.

We understand that your business office may have reduced hours, or potentially be inaccessible at this time as a result of campus closure, making it difficult for students to reach your staff directly with questions.

If your campus is interested in adjusting payment dates for any future-scheduled payments in light of present or anticipated circumstances, please contact your Account Manager to discuss the options available for your specific payment plan(s).

The uncertainty created by COVID-19 continues to present new and unique challenges. Nelnet committed to assisting your students and staff during this difficult time.

March 17, 2020

Nelnet is closely monitoring the spread and impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus), and has implemented a number of steps to prioritize the health and safety of our associates and clients.

Our business continuity and incident response teams have been working diligently to transition our client support teams to work from home. This transition is being done in stages to prevent any disruption to our customer service, and ensure that Nelnet is able to continue to support our partners and your students.

While this transition may result in longer than normal hold times, we are confident that the preparations we are making today will enable us to continue to serve clients, should an outbreak substantially impact one of our corporate communities.

We also understand the great lengths many campuses have undertaken to prioritize the safety of their students, while also continuing classes virtually. As such, Nelnet will continue to uphold the current parameters surrounding your utilization of our solutions, including scheduled payment plans. In the event that you wish to make modifications to your payment plans, please contact your Account Manager.

We remain committed to serving our clients at the highest levels possible and appreciate your understanding as we take these steps to help protect our associates and clients in an effort to prevent the unintentional spread of COVID-19.

March 9, 2020

While the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) is still considered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to be a low risk in the U.S., Nelnet is closely monitoring the situation and taking proactive precautions to ensure the health and safety of our associates and clients.

In addition to empowering our associates to stay home if they are experiencing any symptoms of an illness, Nelnet has placed our business continuity and incident response teams on high alert. Nelnet regularly tests our business continuity plans, and Nelnet associates are prepared to continue to serve clients utilizing remote technology should an outbreak substantially impact the school and/or daycare programs within one of our corporate communities.

Finally, out of an abundance of caution, Nelnet will be suspending the majority of business travel until such time as the risk of further outbreaks is substantially diminished. If you have specific questions about Nelnet’s appearance at an upcoming conference or event, please feel free to contact your Nelnet Campus Commerce Regional Vice President.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we take these steps to help protect our associates and clients in an effort to prevent the unintentional spread of COVID-19.

Nelnet Campus Commerce
Author: Nelnet Campus Commerce

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