Information Technology

CARES Act Discussion

Megan Schneider with NACUBO discusses the CARES Act in relation to higher education. The benefits, payouts and regulations are talked through.

Watch Webinar about CARES Act Discussion

Working from Home and the Cybersecurity Implications

Working from home creates the ultimate opportunity for hackers to take advantage of tech vulnerabilities. With COVID-19 we are seeing an uptick in phishing related emails targeted at students. To properly protect staff and students from these attacks, we need to identify the techniques being used – and understand how to adapt. Learn about the cybersecurity measures you need to take while working from home.

Read More about Working from Home and the Cybersecurity Implications

Securing Educational Payments (P2PE) Solution

Data breaches cost members of the U.S. educational industry about $142 per record exposed. PCI-validated point-to-point encryption (P2PE) is one of the best ways to protect in-person payments at your institution.

Watch Webinar about Securing Educational Payments (P2PE) Solution

A Quick Guide to Change Management

Join our webinar as we break down the change management approach to its core pillars and discuss actionable techniques for guiding people through the change journey.

Watch Webinar about A Quick Guide to Change Management

Streamlining the International Payment Process

Streamlining the international payment process to support student enrollment. Watch on demand webinar to learn more.

Watch Webinar about Streamlining the International Payment Process

4 Future Technologies Shaping Higher Ed

Join a webinar discussion with leaders from North Carolina State University, Central Michigan University and the University of California San Diego to learn how they are embracing these future technologies today.

Watch Webinar about 4 Future Technologies Shaping Higher Ed

Affordability Pays: How Actively Managed Payment Plans Support Student Success

See the transformative difference an actively managed payment plan makes. Featuring leaders from Boston College, University of Illinois System, Bryn Mawr College and University Business.

Watch Webinar about Affordability Pays: How Actively Managed Payment Plans Support Student Success

West Valley-Mission

West Valley-Mission Community College District implemented a new ERP system that did not support their existing payment plan application. After going in circles for months with a different vendor, their project stalled. With just 12 weeks until the new payment plan system needed to launch, West Valley-Mission reached out to Nelnet Campus Commerce for help.

Read More about West Valley-Mission

Battling Data Breaches: Securing Your Campus

In partnership with University Business and Bluefin, Nelnet Campus Commerce discusses how to secure your student data during a rise in cyber attacks on institutions.

Watch Webinar about Battling Data Breaches: Securing Your Campus

Cornell Implements Student Choice Refunds

Cornell chose to take a new approach to student refunds. This allowed them to implement a program that gives students the refund options they need.

Read More about Cornell Implements Student Choice Refunds